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ZIA #2: DUOTANGLE: 'NZeppel vs Flux"

Esta es mi interpretación para Diva Challenge #290.

Es un duotangle con usando los patrones "Flux" y "NZepped".  En el trazado he usado Micron 01 y 005.  Para dar color he usado Kuretake Zig 022, 036 y 061.

8 comentarios :

  1. A beautiful tile. I love the colors.

    1. Thanks for the comment, Kate!! I have a lot to learn, but it will be fun.

    2. You asked how I printed the leaves on my tiles. I painted the back side of the leaves with tempera paint, or any kind actually. You can even use stamp pads to do this. Then you just lay the leaf down, cover with a piece of scrap paper and rub all over with your fingers. Pretty easy actually, and fun results. Hope this helps, Best Kate

    3. Thank you Kate, i'll try it!!!

  2. A lovely composition and great colors

  3. Beautiful tile with wonderful colors!


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